"Story and origin of Chardonnay: between Borgogna and Gerusalemme"
Chardonnay is a very ancient vine whose history and origins are lost in the mists of time. However, there are two main versions regarding his birth. The first theory has it that the name of this wine derives from the village of the same name in Mâconnais in Burgundy, where this vine was first cultivated. The second theory holds that the origin of the Chardonnay should be sought on the hills of Jerusalem, where the clay soil, very similar to that of Burgundy, renders it the ideal vine for cultivation. Furthermore, the word "Chardonnay" has Jewish origins, which confirms the theory of its origin in the Middle East. Even if the vera originates from this winery, the Chardonnay is given one of the most famous and appreciated white wines in the world.
"Chardonnay: the ebraic vitigno that conquers the world"
The Chardonnay vine is among the most widespread in the world, appreciated for its versatility and ability to adapt to different climatic and terrain conditions. But few know that the origin of this wine should be sought in the land of Israel, on the hill of Carmel, where it is noted with the name of "Sha'har Adonai", or "the song of the Lord". Its diffusion in the world is one of the favorites of the presence of the Jews in Europe, which have carried it into the heart of Burgundy, where it has found clayey terrain and an ideal climate for its cultivation. From here the vine began to conquer the world, becoming one of the most appreciated and prized of the white ones. Today Chardonnay is present in various wine regions, with different characteristics depending on the terroir and the winemaking technique used.
"From the country of Chardonnay to the international ribalta: the story of an iconic label"
Il Chardonnay is a dry white wine that can be produced in many regions of the world, but its history is located in Borgogna, in France. Il vitigno takes the name of the village of Chardonnay, located in the Mâconnais region, where it comes from dry land. This wine has a very old story that if it could laugh all'epoca dei Romani che coltivavano la vite in tutta la France. Il Chardonnay is long considered a local wine, but never last decade if it has a global reputation that has made it one of the most famous and beloved white wines in the world. Its popularity is dovuta to its versatility: it can be used to produce dry wine, fruit and body, even for spumanti wine. Il Chardonnay is the protagonist of a true and own revolution in the world of wine, creating an iconic label that has conquered the hearts of consumers of all the world.
"The secrets of Chardonnay: from ancient monks to modern producers"
The Chardonnay is one of the most famous white wines in the world and its history has been found in the past. Secondo alcune fonti, la sua coltivazione risale addirittura all'epoca degli antichi monaci che lo coltivavano nei loro monasteri. Immediately, thanks to its characteristic organolettiche unique, Chardonnay has conquered the heart of modern producers who have not been able to value it to the best. Oggi, this vitigno comes cultivated in many countries of the world, but in its homeland of origin remains Burgundy, in France, where the climate and the terrain create the ideal conditions for producing one of the best white wines in the world. Thanks to its versatility, Chardonnay blends perfectly with molti piatti, from white meat to fish, and represents an ever-vincent scelt for chi vuole godersi a quality wine bicchiere.
"Italian Chardonnay: new terroir and new orizzonti for a great white wine"
The Chardonnay is one of the vitigni più coltivati in the world, but not all sanno that even in Italy if it produces Chardonnay of the highest quality. The first wine of Chardonnay is a state introductory in Italy for the '70 year and now the wine is diffused in various regions, from the north to the south of the peninsula. In particular, Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Sicily are the regions where Chardonnay has found its best terroir and adaptations in its cultivation, giving life to wines of great personality and character. Thanks to the diversity of Italian soil and to all the diverse vinification techniques, Italian Chardonnay presents a vast range of scents and flavors, from fruity to burroso, from floral to mineral. Gli appassionati di vino bianco non possono mancare di assaggiare i pregiati Italian Chardonnay, che rappresentano un nuovo orizzonte per questo grande vitigno.
Chardonnay is a very ancient vine whose history and origins are lost in the mists of time. However, there are two main versions regarding his birth. The first theory has it that the name of this wine derives from the village of the same name in Mâconnais in Burgundy, where this vine was first cultivated. The second theory holds that the origin of the Chardonnay should be sought on the hills of Jerusalem, where the clay soil, very similar to that of Burgundy, renders it the ideal vine for cultivation. Furthermore, the word "Chardonnay" has Jewish origins, which confirms the theory of its origin in the Middle East. Even if the vera originates from this winery, the Chardonnay is given one of the most famous and appreciated white wines in the world.