The Patrizi Naro Montoro Family is one of the most important and ancient noble families in Rome. Their historic residence in Piazza San Luigi dei Francesi is a noble palace from the 17th century, characterized by its sumptuousness and baroque style. The palace was built by the Patrizi Naro Montoro family, who over the years have enriched it with works of art and valuable furnishings. Today, the palace is still owned by the family, but some parts have been designated for commercial activities. Among the curiosities of the noble palace is certainly the presence of a bell tower, which dates back to the medieval period and was used to signal the arrival of enemies.

The Patrizi Naro Montoro Family is one of the most important and ancient noble families in Rome. Their historic residence in Piazza San Luigi dei Francesi is a noble palace from the 17th century, characterized by its sumptuousness and baroque style.