
Curated by Flaminia Marinaro
The origins of Syrah
The origins of Syrah

Syrah is a vine with an intense and spicy flavour, much appreciated by sommeliers from all over the world. But few know that the origins of this wine date back to the Persian city of Schiraz, where it was already cultivated in the 6th century BC. According to legend, the Persian king Darius exported the Schiraz grapes throughout Asia and Europe, thus spreading knowledge of this vine. However, it was only from the 17th century that Syrah began to spread in France, thanks to the work of some winegrowers who remodeled it according to their own tastes. Today Syrah is considered one of the most important grape varieties in the world, but its Middle Eastern history continues to exert a particular fascination for wine enthusiasts.

by Flaminia  |  25 March 2023
History of Merlot
History of Merlot

Merlot is one of the most appreciated grape varieties in the world, but like any great story, yours too has a beginning. The Gironde region of southwestern France is where Merlot first appeared. Here, thanks to the mild climate and the presence of the Garonne river, the vine finds the ideal conditions to develop at its best. Its cultivation spread rapidly throughout the region and Merlot became one of the most important vines of the Gironde, so much so that it became one of the main varieties in the blending of the famous Bordeaux wine. Thanks to its great quality, Merlot soon spread to other wine-growing regions of the world, becoming one of the most cultivated vines ever.

by Flaminia  |  24 March 2023
History of Chardonnay
History of Chardonnay

Chardonnay is a very ancient vine whose history and origins are lost in the mists of time. However, there are two main versions regarding his birth. The first theory has it that the name of this wine derives from the village of the same name in Mâconnais in Burgundy, where this vine was first cultivated. The second theory holds that the origin of the Chardonnay should be sought on the hills of Jerusalem, where the clay soil, very similar to that of Burgundy, renders it the ideal vine for cultivation. Furthermore, the word "Chardonnay" has Jewish origins, which confirms the theory of its origin in the Middle East. Even if the vera originates from this winery, the Chardonnay is given one of the most famous and appreciated white wines in the world.

by Flaminia  |  24 March 2023
Origin of the Sangiovese grape
Origin of the Sangiovese grape

Originating from the Tuscany region, this grape has been cultivated for centuries and has evolved into different sub-varieties. Sangiovese grape is appreciated for its high acidity and moderate tannins, which give the wines a brilliant taste and a firm structure.

by Flaminia  |  12 April 2023
The Marquises of Montoro, Paganico, Castel Giuliano, and Sasso
The Marquises of Montoro, Paganico, Castel Giuliano, and Sasso

The Patrizi Naro Montoro family is one of the oldest and noblest in Italy. Originally from Montoro, in the province of Avellino, the family moved to different Italian cities, including Paganico, Castel Giuliano, and Sasso. These properties were of great importance for the Patrizi Naro Montoro family, not only because they represented their wealth but also their power and influence in Italian society.

by Flaminia  |  15 March 2023
The history of the Patrizi Naro Montoro family
The history of the Patrizi Naro Montoro family

The Patrizi Naro Montoro are a still flourishing Roman nobility family, originated in the male branch from the Naro family, belonging to the municipal patriciate of Rome.

by Wikipedia  |  15 March 2023

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